We have many channels for you to procure or rent our products depending on your preference or situation, and in some cases you can buy them direct from us.
We team with retailers in every state in the US, Canada, and Mexico as well as some internationally. There are quite a few so depending on your location and preference it is best to contact us to determine the right source. We can also help you determine the right equipment for your use case.
We also ship internationally with our equipment designed to fit into a standard HC shipping container.
We hold a GSA Contract and Sourcewell Contract as well as have partners that sell our product through DLA so that any part of government from Federal, to State and local organizations may enjoy expedited and less burdened procurement from a trusted partner. Click here to learn more.
These major chains as well as some smaller independent rental companies carry our equipment
A long standing partner operating in all 50 states and Canada.
A great resource for purchase or renting
We have manufacturer sales representatives focused on rental customers operating in many states to facilitate purchase and training
Call Henry at 888-298-6657 to find the proper sales person that covers your region.
Pedro Boone - Smart Configuration
1 (956) 424-9044
We almost alway have a few used units on hand that were demos or one off models. If you are interested in this mention it to us when you contact us.
Progress Solar Solutions®, LLC
1108 N New Hope Rd Raleigh, NC 27610 Mailing Address: PO Box 19540 Raleigh, NC 27619
Office: 919-363-3738 Toll Free: 888-298-6657